
Crowborough Beacon Golf Club


The Ladies' Committee

The following is a brief outline of the Ladies’ Section at Crowborough Beacon Golf Club.

We are a fairly small section but growing all the time having recruited several ladies in the last few months as a result of the newly introduced Flexible and County memberships.  We offer competitive golf on a Thursday morning with alternate weekend competitions for our “business” ladies.  We also have Roll Ups on a Tuesday. 

Thursday is our regular competition day when we sign up on line to play in a pre-arranged competition, often for a trophy.  The entry fee is £2.50 payable in the Pro Shop before playing.  Completed cards are then entered into the PSI in the Clubhouse and results posted on the Club’s website usually within twenty four hours.

Alternate Cup competitions are arranged for the preceding Saturday or Sunday to enable our “business” ladies to compete.

On Tuesday mornings we have a roll-up when you can just turn up to play and on Thursdays in January and February we also have pick-ups, again just turn up to play, although there will be some structure to these mornings.

We enter into the Sussex County divisional competitions, entering teams for all three divisions, these matches are usually played between April and June with quarter finals, semi finals and finals played July, August and September respectively.  A great opportunity to play competitive match-play competitions off scratch.

We also enter the Morrice Foursomes, Mail on Sunday, Daily Mail Foursomes and London Fours to name but a few, as you can see, plenty of choice.  

The section is run by the Lady Captain ably assisted by the Lady Vice Captain and a small committee made up as follows …

Lady Captain - Dorothy Turton

Lady Vice Captain/Treasurer - Hazell Hicky 


  • Sandra Snowling
  • Shelley Clarke
  • Ezzie Massey
  • Alma Turner
  • Ruby Woolley

The committee deal with the day to day running of the ladies section, each having responsibility for certain areas.  We deal with any problems brought to our attention as swiftly and considerately as possible, and if appropriate, in total confidence.  We welcome new members enthusiastically, helping them to settle in quickly by guiding them through the on-line sign up system and generally including them in everything.

We hold a Lady Captain’s Away Day each year when most of the ladies enjoy a lovely day out at another course together with two Invitation Days when one can invite a friend to play our lovely golf course.

We have a good mixed section, however, if you don’t have a golfing husband/partner, we do have men in the same situation who want to play mixed golf so we can pair people up and then invite the non playing guests along for supper afterwards.

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