
Crowborough Beacon Golf Club

Ladies Pick Ups

LadiesThursday is the official Ladies' Day at Crowborough Beacon, so even if there isn't a regular medal or stableford competition, the ladies still enjoy reserved tee times in the morning. On those Thursdays when no competition is being played, a "Pick Up" is organised. Anyone - regardless of handicap - can come and join the other ladies for a fun round.

There is an entry fee of £2.50 toward prizes awarded on the day. You don't have to sign up in advance, though you are encouraged to do so in order to assess numbers. The Pick Ups are a great opportunity to meet other ladies in the section, and for those who don't feel ready for full monthly matches, they are a gentle way to ease into the competitive spirit.

We also organize a monthly competition during the summer months in which more experienced players are paired with "learner ladies", so keep an eye out for entry sheets for these "Academy Get - Togethers". If you can't make mid-week sessions, there are plenty of ladies who play at weekends and would be happy to make up a game. Please contact anyone on the committee who will put you in touch with ladies who regularly play at weekends.

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