
Crowborough Beacon Golf Club

Monday Pick-Up

MondayWe have had up to 28 members meet at 08.00am on a Monday morning to play in the Monday Pick-Up organised each week by last weeks winner.

Entry fee is £1, all returned as prizes. The tee is booked from 08.15 to 09.00am. Teams of three are drawn and the best 2 scores per hole count for the team score which in good conditions can exceed 90 Stableford points!

This format makes for a good stress-free enjoyable morning.

Mid-Week Medals

The Club organises its Mid-week Medals on a Monday. For those whose weekends are already too hectic the Mid-week Medals (and Stablefords) are good opportunities to play those Qualifying rounds.

Created by intelligentgolf version 10.1.2.